Monday, May 19, 2008

No Type at 4 AM for Me

Well I made a huge embarrassing whoops... at 4 A.M. Let' say from here on I'll paint but hold the type for non-blurry peepers. Case and point the Victrola painting below. See the highlighted area.

I'm excited to announce that Cindy at The Plum Tree
is now featuring my art in her shop. How cool. I'm honored. It's a really fun place. Unfortunately the above whoops landed there Saturday morning. I'll be back to get it Tuesday. I think I owe her an original for her home to make up for it.
Here are a few of the other pieces I dropped off that morning.

We also celebrated my youngest daughters graduation from preschool. She did great!
Hugs Ladies!


Bethany said...

Great paintings!!! I didn't mean to make you feel bad!!! I just was so excited to see that you were doing this! And that "Litsen" looks like something I would have done!! I really liked that one... hopefully you can do another like it or fix it! Have a great week Heather! And don't work too hard! Congrats to your daughter too!!!! Mine is graduating from Elementary School... where did the time go?!

kari and kijsa said...

Great paintings! A little late night painting still looks fabulous, and we know you can fix it right up!

Check out our post today for a fun freebie magazine offer!!!

kari & kijsa

Cindy said...

These are all adorable! I bet they will do quite well. I love your things.


Willow said...

Oh wow! Congratulations! That is wonderful news. (except for the whoops, of course) :)