People love their homes in most cases. You know that old saying, Home Sweet Home. Well if it's one thing I've noticed, people really do love their homes. It's where we love and care for loved ones. Form memories and shape little lives. So what better gift than a painting of that very thing. And even better, it can be quite frugal.
For this painting I cut down some large white watercolor paper to fit the 4" x 6" frame I picked for a great price. Next I did a sketch in pencil and then taped it down to my art board. the tape serves two purposes. First it keeps the paper from curling, and second it creates a crisp white matt around the painting. Next was the longest part of the process, layers of colors combined with periods of waiting while section dried.
A lot of people the they "Can't Do" watercolors. Actually, with proper drying times between colors, and extra layers to give dimension... anyone can paint in watercolor! And, it's a very rewarding medium.
So the final step in creating this piece of art is to go back in adding extra details with a good quality art pen. Go easy, this should be done sparingly, as it's easy to add more if needed. However, once ink is down.. it's down. Only apply the ink after the paper and paint are completely dry.
Finely sign it and place it the frame.
The style I did for this one Primitive. You can see a lot of examples of prim paintings and decorating in Country Sampler Magazine, a favorite of mine.